Knockout is an NBC game show that aired from October 3, 1977 to April 21, 1978. A Ralph Edwards production, it was hosted by Arte Johnson, with announcing duties handled first by Jay Stewart and later by John Harlan. A British version of the show, called ''Odd One Out'', aired from 1982–1985. Unlike most game shows, ''Knockout'' did not begin with the announcer making the customary introduction of the show and host; instead, Johnson would make an ad-libbed remark while already standing on the set, then ask the announcer to introduce the day's first three contestants. ==Gameplay== The object of the game was to find one item from a list of four items that was not related to the other three. Three players would be shown the four items, one at a time, and the first player to buzz-in would try to figure out which item did not belong. A correct answer earned a player a letter in the word "KNOCKOUT" which was displayed on his or her podium. In addition to the letter, the player with the correct answer had a chance to earn more letters by figuring out the common category of the remaining three words or by daring one of his or her opponents to answer. If the contestant answered correctly or the dare was successful, he or she earned two letters. If the dared player identified the bond, he or she earned two letters for himself or herself. If the dare was successful the contestant could dare the third player for another two letters or just give the answer for only one letter. If the contestant scored a "6-letter play" by successfully daring both opponents and then solving the category he or she also won a $300 bonus. The first player to light up his or her word (lighting up all 8 letters in the word KNOCKOUT) won the game, a bonus prize, and a chance to play for up to $5,000 in the bonus round. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Knockout (game show)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク